Curtis Instruments, Inc.

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Instrumentation, motor speed controllers, inverters, integrated systems, drive systems and engineering support for electric vehicle designers. Advanced Technology for EVs. Curtis Instruments, Inc., has led the way with innovations in motor control, battery management and vehicle instrumentation since 1960. Curtis products are designed for maximum flexibility and performance and provide the most comprehensive performance features and benefits in the EV industry. Curtis invests over 10% of gross revenue in innovation. The company operates four R&D Centers, with highly specialized engineers and technicians working in California, Switzerland, New York and China. The California R&D center, Curtis CA, was founded as Curtis PMC in 1985, and is one of the world’s largest controller technical centers and is a highly specialized engineering facility focused on the design and development of advanced motor speed controllers for electric vehicles of all types. The Curtis product offering includes a wide range of integrated system products for the off-road vehicle market. This includes a full range of motor speed controllers traction, steering and lift controllers for AC Induction, SepEx ® , Permanent Magnet and Series Motors. Our Livermore facility was just awarded (again!) Best Places to Work 2016! Mt. Kisco, NY, is the site of international headquarters, North American operations and R&D center. The Mount Kisco engineering and product teams develop battery monitoring gauges, panels and all types of instrumentation. Our Mt. Kisco location has been awarded the FOURTH Best Company to work for in NY!

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Motor Control & Integrated System

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We work hard to inspire and engage our employees. We want them to feel that working at Curtis is more than just a job. The ideas, energy, and commitment of our employees propel our success. We continue to focus our efforts on building an engaged, talented, and motivated workforce in every facet of our operation. Curtis believes in the principle of “do no harm” and we are focused on assuring that we minimize our impact on the environment in every aspect of our operations, to assure that our children will inherit a world with clean air, water and soil. Curtis is focused on minimizing waste, reducing emissions, conserving water and energy and recycling to the highest level attainable – in our operations, our supply chain and our products. We want to make a positive impact on the communities wherever we are active around the world. We have actively worked toward achieving these goals since our founding in 1960. Curtis Instruments, a Kohler Company, takes pride in our long-standing commitment to people, community and the environment. As we embarked on producing a formal Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report, it was important for us to honestly reflect on the corporate culture that we have consistently built upon over 62 years. Long before there was a formal concept such as the CSR report, being good corporate citizens was an inherent part of Curtis operations and corporate culture.

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