Cupbop Korean BBQ

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Cupbop serves Korean BBQ in a cup. Bop (밥) means “steamed rice” in Korean so Cupbop simply means “steamed rice in a cup.” Adding our specialty sauces and twists to authentic Korean recipes, we have created a new style of Korean food. Our menus are simple & tasty, and every main menu includes rice, cabbage, sweet potato noodles, a protein of choice, topped by our specialty sauces ranging from 1-10 spicy levels. In 2013, Junghun Song had an opportunity to visit a food convention in Salt Lake City, Utah. At the convention Junghun saw many different cuisines but was very sad to find out that Korean cuisine was not represented. He had a strong belief that Korean food has all the necessary ingredients to appeal to the world and this incident put fire into Junghun.

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We’re here to end your boredom with the same old food choices. The Cupbop menu is our own delicious take on Korean cuisine. Exotically flavorful, naturally healthy dishes you’ve never had a chance to try— and we make them all affordable, fresh, and lightning fast. We strive every day to bring joy to our families, employees, customers and neighbors through awesome food and customer service. Bop on by for some Korean fun and friendliness today!

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