Crystal Creamery, Inc.

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Crystal Creamery is California’s oldest dairy with expertise and leadership in caring for our community, environment and cows while embracing the spirit of everything the California Central Valley has to offer. We’ve been producing the freshest dairy for our local communities since 1901. See why our promise is as strong today as it was when our doors first opened. We commemorated our 120th anniversary in the most fitting way we could imagine — by handing out ice cream scoops at the California State Capitol in Sacramento. See the photos of our anniversary celebration. Crystal Creamery brand dairy products have been a part of California for well over 100 years. Founded by George Knox in 1901 — and originally known as Crystal Cream & Butter — Crystal started in the back of a small grocery store in Sacramento, California. That’s where George and Caroline Knox churned butter.

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At Crystal Creamery, environmental sustainability means always promoting responsible use and reuse of water and land, increasing energy efficiencies, reducing greenhouse gas and pollutants into the air all while providing wholesome nutritious dairy to our communities. We’ve been a Central Valley business for over 120 years and feel a strong responsibility to protect our natural environment. To hold ourselves accountable we participate in the California Green Business Network’s Green Business Certification program. This means we must meet rigorous standards to operate sustainably and reduce our environmental footprint. In February 2023, we were proud to be named “Green Business of the Year” by the Modesto Chamber of Commerce. We’re also proud to be recognized as a Green Fleet Pioneer by e-Mission Control, which highlights our company’s participation in the California Air Resources Board Low Carbon Fuel Standard program. We are happy to report that our fleet of electric material handling equipment is zero-emissions! Our sustainability practices include installing solar panels to reduce our energy demand, recycling 97% of our waste and ensuring that energy-efficient lighting and heating is used throughout all our facilities. Since 2020, our electric fleet has reduced our CO2 emissions by 2294.53 metric tons — the equivalent of eliminating over 80,000 gallons of gasoline. Over the last year, Crystal Creamery has saved 56,343 lbs. of CO2 (the equivalent of planting 87 acres of urban trees), and 4,357 therms of natural gas (the equivalent of heating 167 homes for an entire year). We’ve also saved 12,377 kilowatt hours of energy and 29,110 gallons of water — with much more to come!

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