CRP Industries

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CRP Industries is a leader in the automotive parts and industrial products sectors. We provide some of the most recognized brand names in these markets, including Rein Automotive parts; AAE steering products; Pentosin technical fluids; AJUSA gaskets and head bolts; Reinflex high-pressure thermoplastic hose; CRP Industrial specialty transfer hose; and Perske high-speed motors. CRP also supports and services a wide network of wholesale and retail outlets for the products we carry. We provide the world’s manufacturers a gateway to North America for their products, while providing our customers with high quality product lines at fair prices, backed by excellent customer service and marketing support. CRP Industries pays great attention to the products we carry, the people we work with, and the way in which we conduct business. In fact, the greatest attributes we offer our customers are quality, service, and trust.

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CRP Industries is a veteran-ownedPrivate company headquartered in Cranbury, New Jersey— with facilities in North Carolina, South Carolina, Michigan, and Puebla, Mexico. We have been in continuous operation for nearly 70 years. What was once a small company offering about 200 sizes of German-manufactured tires to North America is now an industry leader that provides thousands of products from our own brands as well as selected other high-quality manufacturers to the automotive and industrial products sectors. CRP is aligned around a set of values that help shape every decision we make, large or small. Here is a quick look at our core and expanded corporate values. We strive to meet or exceed our customers’ and partners’ expectations for quality in both product and service delivery.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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