Creature Comforts Brewing

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Creature Comforts is dedicated to better being through being curious. From our scientific brewing process to our wide-awake creative impulse to our small town tenacity, Creature Comforts is driven by the promise that a curious mind leads to better living. We take inspiration from those who crave curiosity and share its reward. The thinkers, the inventors, the artists, the explorers. We feed our own curious spirit through the purposeful pursuit of finely balanced artisanal beers, and our mission is to light that desire and follow its flame with our consumers.

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ESG/Ethical Impact

Companies can endure and last by ensuring good financial health, but we recognize that there are externalities not captured on a financial balance sheet—if a company is actively contributing to climate change in pursuit of profit, that’s not a sustainable company. We’re on a mission to be at the forefront of sustainability in craft beer and serve as change agents in the industry, examining the negative externalities of our operations and developing strategies to mitigate them. We’ve identified 5 main areas of focus for this work: water, electricity, natural gas, carbon dioxide, and waste. We are also committed to transparency. We’re always tracking, measuring, and recording our efforts and adjusting our goals. We believe we should be sharing the data and results of this work so that we’re not only embracing sustainable practices, but doing so with authenticity. The old joke—save water by drinking beer—sadly isn’t true. On average, we use 5. 5 gallons of water to make one gallon of beer. We’re trying to reduce that figure to 4.5 gallons of water to make one gallon of beer in the future

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