Covenant Transportation Group

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Covenant Logistics Group, Inc., through its subsidiaries, offers a portfolio of transportation and logistics services to customers throughout the United States. Primary services include asset- based expedited and dedicated truckload capacity, as well as asset-light warehousing, transportation management, and freight brokerage capability. Through a portfolio of logistics and transportation solutions, Covenant engineers value-driven supply chains to help customers get products where they are needed – quickly, cost- effectively and seamlessly. Mission: “Our Covenant stands as one of faith – in our foundation, in serving people and in generating value within the supply chain.”

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Shipping & Logistics

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Environmental sustainability is a responsibility for interacting with our natural environment to maintain natural resources and ensuring those resources are available to future generations. In today’s world of transportation and logistics, some of the most trending innovations are in sustainability. As fleets begin to explore more efficient trucks, adhere to new government guidelines, and new fuel source alternatives such as battery, electric and hydrogen, Covenant is balancing the need to remain competitive and what many call “fair and responsible logistics.” In finding this balance, we carefully factor in our customer’s evolving requirements for more sustainable solutions, maintain our company profitability, and our desire to minimize our impact on the environment. Through the diversity of logistics solutions we offer, we realize that the foundation of our company – doing what’s right – is more critical than ever. Building, growing, and improving collaborative relationships are part of our long-term commitment to helping our customers. This commitment to helping extends to our environment, people, and the community.

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