Country Cookin

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Country Kitchen International is a leader in restaurant support. After 60-plus years of successful operations, our experience has taught us a lot. Perhaps the two most important are, first, the amount of support it takes to make a restaurant great and, second, that we continue to learn something new about the restaurant business every day. We sincerely believe it is our ability to share that knowledge that helps to keep us among the leaders in full-service restaurant support. Although many Country Kitchen restaurants exist in mid- to small markets and remain reminiscent of the down-home feeling of the original “nine stool, four booth” diner, Country Kitchens can also be found in large metropolitan markets. These contemporary restaurants offer the same collection of home-made comfort foods our guests have grown to love. From the small towns of mid-America to the large cities from coast to coast, Country Kitchen continues to bring flavorful comfort food to the table. Country Kitchen International is a growth-oriented franchisor and operator of family-dining restaurants. Our goal is to be the first choice for owners, guests and employees in the markets we serve. Partnering with Country Kitchen makes the process of opening a restaurant easier. You may be in the planning stages of a new freestanding restaurant or in a hotel or travel plaza. With our support and key benefits, we will be glad to help you make informed decisions for the success of your operation. A Country Kitchen restaurant also offers you flexibility. Some options you can choose include offering buffets, round-the-clock operations, regional menu offerings, alcohol, customized pricing tiers for all menus and a variety of specialty menus for your restaurants.

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Fast Food Restaurant Companies


Food & Drink

ESG/Ethical Impact

Country Cookin has invested in energy-efficient lighting, kitchen equipment, and HVAC systems, resulting in reduced energy consumption across its restaurants. Country Cookin prioritizes locally sourced ingredients, supporting sustainable farming practices and reducing the carbon footprint associated with transportation. Country Cookin utilizes eco-friendly packaging materials, such as biodegradable containers and utensils, to minimize its environmental impact. The restaurant actively engages with local communities through partnerships with charities, fundraising events, and community initiatives.

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