CommonSpirit Health

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CommonSpirit Health was created in early 2019 when Catholic Health Initiatives and Dignity Health came together as one ministry. Mission: As CommonSpirit Health, we make the healing presence of God known in our world by improving the health of the people we serve, especially those who are vulnerable, while we advance social justice for all. You can think of this statement as a formal declaration of CommonSpirit’s purpose; an affirmation of why we exist. Our Mission Statement is just 35 words, but there are profound ideas behind them. “As CommonSpirit Health,” for instance, celebrates the union of two influential health ministries into one national health ministry. “We make the healing presence of God known” is, of course, the reason CommonSpirit exists; it’s the calling that has drawn us all together. “In our world” affirms our commitment to people and communities on a local, national, and even global scale.

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Hospitals & Healthcare


Health Care Services & Hospitals

ESG/Ethical Impact

CommonSpirit Health’s environmental impact include efforts to minimize the ecological footprint of their healthcare operations. This involve adopting energy-efficient technologies, reducing waste generation, and implementing sustainable practices within their facilities. Healthcare institutions, including hospitals, can have significant energy and resource consumption, so efforts to reduce their impact are important. CommonSpirit Health’s primary social impact is their contribution to improving public health and providing healthcare services to communities. As a nonprofit healthcare system, their focus include initiatives to improve access to healthcare, address health disparities, and provide care for vulnerable populations. Their services might positively impact patient outcomes and overall community well-being. Governance and ethics refer to CommonSpirit Health’s organizational structure, decision-making processes, and ethical principles. As a Catholic health system, their governance practices might align with their religious and ethical values. This could include transparent reporting, patient-centered care, and adherence to ethical guidelines in healthcare practices. The financial aspect of ESG involves how CommonSpirit Health’s sustainability efforts align with their economic performance as a nonprofit organization. Their financial sustainability be tied to their ability to provide quality healthcare services to the communities they serve while effectively managing costs. CommonSpirit Health’s commitment to ethical healthcare services is likely a cornerstone of their operations. This includes delivering patient-centered care, prioritizing patient safety, and ensuring that their healthcare practices are aligned with their mission and values.

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