Columbia University Irving Medical Center

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Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC) is a leader in providing comprehensive patient care and offers a range of general and specialized medical, dental, and nursing services. We have more than 1,800 physicians, surgeons, dentists, and nurses in locations throughout the New York City metro area. We know each patient is unique. Our knowledge of innovative treatments is enhanced by our compassion for patients and their families and a devotion to maintaining the highest standard of care.

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Health Care Services & Hospitals

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Since Plan 2030 was released last year, Columbia University has proven through its commitments and policies that it is a leader in the global fight against climate change. In September, 2021 Columbia announced that it will no longer install new fossil fuel connections in any new construction, refresh, or renovation projects and will evaluate how to fully electrify the campus by replacing the onsite combustion of fossil fuels with clean, renewable energy sources. Columbia also joined the Race to Zero, a global initiative for a zero carbon world that rallies non-state actors to take rigorous and immediate action to halve global emissions by 2030. During Climate Week NYC in September, for which Columbia’s Climate School was named University Partner, the university hosted a lineup of virtual events centered on university action to combat climate change. These included a panel of Columbia faculty, staff, and student representatives who discussed activity around Plan 2030, as well as a Global Alliance of Universities on Climate (GAUC) panel alongside Yale and Tsinghua Universities. In November 2021, Columbia submitted a formal letter of support for Governor Hochul and the State’s efforts to bring renewable electricity into Zone J to help reduce the City’s reliance on fossil fuel-fired generation. Since then, Governor Hochul announced in April 2022 the approval of the two clean energy projects that will deliver clean, renewable solar, wind, and hydroelectric power to New York City. Columbia is well positioned to pursue access to this power through state sponsored programs including Tier 4 RECs. Looking ahead, we are planning to gradually transition Columbia’s parking areas to 100% zero emission vehicle occupancy by phasing out access for internal combustion engine vehicles. The phase-out in University-managed space will begin between the years 2030 and 2037 in an effort to meet the University’s greenhouse gas reduction targets while also aligning with New York State action on this issue. In addition, the Sustainable Events Guidelines have been re-launched to encourage all campus stakeholders to review and align with best practices for gatherings large and small. Schools and departments can support the University’s sustainability goals by following the guidelines as live events resume.

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