Cluck U Chicken

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Cluck-U Chicken known under Cluck-U® or Cluckster’s® is a concept that began in 1985 in New Brunswick, New Jersey when a college student decided that his campus needed more than just pizza and burgers, and set out to create “The Best Buffalo Winger in the world”® available. The unique recipes and sauces that were developed created a devoted following for food made from only the finest ingredients, including fresh chicken. “Fresh Food Grilled or Fried, U decide”® In 1990 the concept was brought to College Park, Maryland by JP Haddad, who had operated the original location in New Brunswick, after JP opened the first Maryland unit, he set out to expand thru-out the state, then in 2000 he decided that Cluck-U Chicken concept should be taken into a new direction. He created Cluck-U, Corp. and bought the rights to franchise future Cluck-U Chicken restaurants worldwide.

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Community engagement is vital facet of Cluck-U’s social impact efforts. The company actively participates in charitable initiatives, collaborates with local organizations, and encourages its employees to volunteer their time and skills, contributing positively to the well-being of the communities it serves. Cluck-U Chicken maintains a transparent and accountable corporate governance structure. The company’s board of directors oversees ethical business practices, regulatory compliance, and diversity within its leadership ranks, ensuring that it upholds the highest standards of corporate governance.

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