Client Services, Inc. (CSI)

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Client Services, Inc. (CSI) is a full-service call center outsourcing provider. CSI was founded in 1987 in the heartland of America. Steadfast on Midwestern values. CSI quickly established a reputation for providing superior quality and consistent performance. From its inception, CSI has paid special attention to attracting and retaining outstanding talent. As a result, CSI’s workforce is comprised of individuals with the drive and determination required to flourish and succeed in a competitive environment. Today, CSI offers a full suite of Accounts Receivable Management (ARM), Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO) and Healthcare solutions. We offer a diverse selection of various call center solutions from inbound/outbound call center campaigns to first-party, early-stage collections to third-party, post-charge-off recovery. As a company with endless capabilities, CSI has the expertise and the resources to manage the life cycle of every account.

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Accounting Services


Accounting & Tax

ESG/Ethical Impact

CSI collaborates closely with suppliers, advocating for sustainability throughout its supply chain, encouraging responsible sourcing and ethical labor practices. The company is deeply engaged with local communities, contributing to their well-being through initiatives such as job creation, educational programs, and community development projects aimed at enhancing residents’ quality of life. Within its workforce, CSI fosters diversity and inclusion, cultivating an inclusive corporate culture that ensures equal opportunities for all employees, regardless of their backgrounds. Ethical principles guide the company’s operations, with a steadfast commitment to transparency, integrity, and accountability in all aspects of its business dealings.

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