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Classy is the world’s largest fundraising platform for social good organizations. Since 2011, we’ve enabled 1.3 million people across 300K individual campaigns to raise over $130M for social good organizations. Classy provides an all-in-one fundraising platform that allows online donations, crowdfunding & peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns, and event registration & ticketing.

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We at Classy have never been more grateful to be serving the social sector. In 2020, nonprofit organizations rose to the occasion with the integrity and grit they’ve undoubtedly developed from years of tackling our world’s greatest humanitarian and environmental challenges. At Classy, the pandemic tested our stakeholder model as it demanded our attention across various fronts. We asked ourselves: How can we best support our nonprofit customers through a pandemic? How do we empower healthy, happy, and connected employees in a remote setting? How do we maintain financial durability and protect jobs in a volatile world? How do we prioritize our community needs and environmental commitments? We put our heads down and focused on our customers. We found clarity in our core philosophy that great giving experiences can build communities of supporters which can drive more revenue for the nonprofit. We focused on helping our nonprofits continue to create those giving experiences through increased investments in our fundraising tools. Technology can enable impact. And that impact was vital for so many programs, such as food banks and social justice organizations, in a year of increased need.

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