Cipher CIS

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We are Cipher, a company from the Prosegur group specializing in Cybersecurity. Prosegur is a global leader in the sector in integrated security services (surveillance and corporate technology), alarm monitoring, transportation of valuables. With an international presence in 25 countries, Prosegur provides companies and homes with a reliable security based on the most advanced solutions on the market. Founded in 2000, Cipher is a global cybersecurity company that offers a broad portfolio of products and services that meets end-to-end information security. • xMDR (extended Managed Detection and Response) • MSS (Managed Security Services) • CIS (Cyber Intelligence Services) • RTS (Red Team Services) • GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance) • CTI (Cybersecurity Technology Integration) These services are supported by Cipher Labs, an advanced high-level cyber intelligence research and development laboratory.

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Information Technology Support Services

ESG/Ethical Impact

Cipher CIS, a key player in the cybersecurity landscape, has demonstrated a profound commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, underscoring its dedication to sustainability, ethical responsibility, and exemplary corporate governance in every facet of its operations. Cipher CIS’s comprehensive approach to ESG principles leaves a lasting and meaningful impact in each dimension, solidifying its position as a responsible corporate citizen within the cybersecurity industry and the broader global community.

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