Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

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Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center has a special place in its heart for kids — and vice versa. The pediatric health care facility offers specialty treatments for children and adolescents suffering from just about any malady, including those of the heart and liver, as well as blood diseases and cancer. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital has some 520 beds and operates nearly a dozen outpatient care centers. Founded in 1883, the not-for-profit hospital runs the only Level 1 pediatric trauma center in the region and serves as a teaching and research facility for the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. Mission: Cincinnati Children’s will improve child health and transform delivery of care through fully integrated, globally recognized research, education and innovation.

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Cincinnati Children’s has issued the first of what will be an annual Community Impact Report, which highlights the many ways the medical center is transforming care for kids while sustaining and building upon an inclusive and collaborative culture among its 17,300 employees. The Community Impact Report notes that Cincinnati Children’s averages about 1.5 million patient encounters each year, including over 700,000 admissions, hospital visits, emergency room screenings and consultations related to mental health. The nonprofit medical center delivered more than $500 million in community benefit services in Fiscal Year 2020, which included over $280 million in charitable patient care (free or discounted services for those unable to pay and Medicaid shortfall) and over $11 million in subsidized health services (clinical services operated at a financial loss, including metal health and primary care).The Community Impact Report also notes that Cincinnati Children’s has made a significant increase in diverse leadership at all levels, from mid-level managers to senior executives. The medical center also saw growth in the number of Black and Asian physicians and male nurses. About 21% of all employees identify as people of color, and that includes 19% of executive or senior leadership at the medical ceIn addition, Cincinnati Children’s has shared its 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment, which is completed every three years to prioritize child health needs across our region.

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