Christopher B. Burke Engineering – Chicagoland

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Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) is unique among consulting engineering and surveying firms in that we are a full-service company that can comprehensively meet the needs of both private and public sector clients. Guided by founder and CEO Christopher B. Burke and President Michael E. Kerr, our “family business” corporate philosophy allows for a level of personal service that ensures peace of mind. Our staff of 205, and expansive list of specializations—civil, municipal, transportation, water resource, mechanical, structural, construction, traffic, and environmental engineering and environmental resource services—provide professionalism and a depth of expertise that promote project success.

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Engineering Services


Civil Engineering

ESG/Ethical Impact

From our company-wide composting and recycling program to our community clean-ups and car share program, we have been at the forefront of sustainability and green initiatives. CBBEL recognizes the importance of promoting sustainability within our company and community. That’s why we’ve created a Commuter Program and Sustainability Committee to help reduce our company’s carbon emissions by encouraging staff to participate in environmental activities, promoting and providing sustainable modes of transportation, participating in community clean-up events, modifying our building structure and more.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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