Ceva Animal Health

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As a multinational company devoted to research, we rank 5th globally in the animal health industry. We help veterinary professionals and those who look after animals all around the world to achieve the highest possible standards of health and wellbeing for the animals in their care. We research, develop, manufacture and supply vaccines, pharmaceutical medicines and other animal health products, together with the equipment, training, technical support and specialised services to ensure their optimal use. Our business is organised around four areas: poultry, swine, ruminants and companion animals.

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Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology


Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

ESG/Ethical Impact

As a company dedicated to animal health, we are committed to making a positive social impact. Since launching its “Together, beyond animal health” vision in 2010, Ceva has put in place a series of programmes, that promote the valuable role animals play in a balanced, healthy society. Most of the challenges we face in securing a sustainable future, can only be dealt with in a connected, global way. Climate change, pandemics, emerging antibiotic resistance are big issues that require concerted action at an international level. However, real change will only be brought about by a multitude of smaller actions carried out locally. Active and committed, our employees, customers and partners unite and work together to act for a healthier future.

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