Carolina Ale House

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Your Carolina Ale House family continues to make the health of our guests and team our top priority. We adhere to CDC guidelines as well as the mandates from state and local municipalities. We practice social distancing, mandatory face coverings, cleaning and sanitizing of high touch areas every 20 min as well as tables between guests, and provide single use menus. Founded in 1999 and headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina, Carolina Ale House Is a restaurant chain offering food and alcoholic beverages.

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Restaurants & Food Service


Restaurants & Cafes

ESG/Ethical Impact

Stakeholder engagement is integral to Carolina Ale House’s sustainability strategy, with continuous efforts to solicit feedback from customers, employees, and local communities to refine their practices and optimize their positive impact. To minimize food waste, Carolina Ale House employs responsible culinary practices such as portion control, food donation programs, and composting initiatives, supporting broader food security and sustainability goals.

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