Capstone Restaurant Group

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Capstone Restaurant Group is a collection of affiliated companies that operates and franchises over 220 Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. restaurants in 16 states. We were founded in 2010 with just 40 restaurants and through a series of acquisitions and organic growth have climbed our way to the second largest franchisee in the CKE Restaurants system. Our Company is one that wants to keep pushing for the summit, pushing for the pinnacle, pushing for that next peak. Thus, the name Capstone, which means a stone fixed on top of something, typically a wall. We are always trying to reach the top. We will always push ourselves to be the best Company we can be; the best operator of restaurants in our markets and in our franchise systems. In other words, we want to be “On Top”! We are founded on three principles: People, Hospitality, and Integrity. When running a business, there are always some basics that go unsaid -the Company must be profitable to sustain itself and provide opportunities for its people- something we will always focus on. However, these three words provide a core foundation as to what we do and how we do it; we are in a business of People providing Hospitality to our guests with Integrity both internally and externally.

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Capstone Restaurant Group is a collection of affiliated companies that operates and franchises over 220 Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. restaurants in 16 states. We were founded in 2010 with just 40 restaurants and through a series of acquisitions and organic growth have climbed our way to the second largest franchisee in the CKE Restaurants system. Our Company is one that wants to keep pushing for the summit, pushing for the pinnacle, pushing for that next peak. Thus, the name Capstone, which means a stone fixed on top of something, typically a wall. We are always trying to reach the top. We will always push ourselves to be the best Company we can be; the best operator of restaurants in our markets and in our franchise systems. In other words, we want to be “on top”!

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