CallRail Inc

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Our customers live in a results-driven world, and giving them a clear view into their digital marketing efforts is a first priority for CallRail. Often overlooked by other marketing tools or analytics platforms, we see the opportunities in surfacing and connecting data from calls, forms, chat and beyond—helping our customers achieve better outcomes. CallRail’s leads-focused analytics platform brings clarity to our customer’s digital marketing efforts. We work within their existing workflow, help them improve their spends quickly, and provide tools that are beautiful, intuitive and helpful. Our platform is powered by a team of passionate and hardworking leaders and contributors. We put our customers first and are dedicated to working on what makes sense for them and doing that well. They have the answers, we’re the force multiplier.

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Cloud Computing


Internet & Web Services

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In 2016, CallRail was named to both the Inc. 5000 and Deloitte Tech Fast 500 lists. Being recognized for growth by both organizations felt like a really big deal. It felt like an even bigger deal when we made the list again in 2017. And 2018. And 2019. And 2020. We’ve also been named a workplace leader, earning spots year after year in lists from Inc. magazine and the Atlanta-Journal Constitution. What’s our secret? There’s more than one. We’ve continued to work hard. We’ve become more intentional about our culture. A great team runs on respect. Candor helps us push and challenge each other, and open communication is only possible on a foundation of respect. Respect makes it possible to recruit and retain a strong, inclusive team. We take care of ourselves, our families, our friends, and our community. We know it’s okay to close the laptop and turn off the phone and really enjoy a moment, an evening, a weekend, and a vacation.

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