Buzzi Unicem USA

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Buzzi Unicem USA has a concrete goal — to secure a top market spot in US cement manufacturing. The company produces portland and masonry cement and ready-mix concrete used in highway and airport paving and concrete block manufacturing. It runs more than half a dozen cement plants with an annual production capacity of about 8.5 million metric tons and about 30 terminals from which it distributes its products mainly throughout the Midwest, Northeast, and Southeast. Formed out of the merger of RC Cement and Dyckerhoff’s Lone Star Industries, Buzzi Unicem USA is a subsidiary of Italy-based BUZZI UNICEM.

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Oil, Gas and Mining


Metal & Mineral Manufacturing

ESG/Ethical Impact

Buzzi Unicem’s Sustainability Policies establish the context within which objectives are monitored and are periodically re-examined for a sustainable growth over time. The Policies are based on the three most important issues for the Company and its stakeholders: Safety, Climate Change and Stakeholder Engagement. Each policy, along with their respective targets, can be associated to one or more of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and highlight Buzzi Unicem’s tangible contribution to the 2030 Agenda. Buzzi Unicem operates to achieve the maximum level of safety for its own staff and its suppliers’ staff. The maximum level of safetyisthatatwhichwedonotexpectthere to be any injuries or occupational diseases. BuzziUnicemrecognizestheimportance of creating and maintaining relationships of trust, based on mutual respect, active partnership, transparency and long-term collaboration with its stakeholders, in particular those based in the areas in which the Group operates. Tothisend,BuzziUnicempromotesregular communication in initiatives, particularly with employees, suppliers, customers, local communities and authorities, the contents of which and level of involvement are defined, planned and implemented on the basis of procedures that are compliant with thispolicy.

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