Burger Street

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Burger Street’s history goes back to 1985 when the prototype opened in Lewisville Texas. This 1985 restaurant was the first location but the Burger Street concept can be traced back to 1967. In 1967, an Abilene business entrepreneur, Bill Waugh, founded and opened the first Taco Bueno. This successful fast food restaurant was built into a regional chain and eventually sold in 1982. This was the beginning of the journey, the concepts and ideas created under this first chain were refined and used to create the principles of Burger Street. Today, these principles help to create simply the best burgers every time you visit.

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Burger Street prioritizes the well-being of its employees, offering competitive wages, comprehensive benefits, and opportunities for career advancement to create a motivated and satisfied workforce. Burger Street operates a comprehensive waste reduction program, focusing on food waste minimization, recycling promotion, and the use of biodegradable or recyclable packaging materials to minimize waste generation. Water conservation is a top priority for Burger Street, with the company implementing advanced water-saving technologies and responsible water management practices to reduce its demand on local water resources.

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