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We never settle for anything less than a total “wow” experience. At our Headquarters in Amsterdam and our factory in Xiamen, China, we invent, develop, test, and manufacture mobility products that combine design with engineering and beauty with functionality. We’ve always made our products using high-quality materials, engineered them so that worn or broken parts can be individually replaced, and designed them so that owners can easily give their product a fresh look without having to throw it all out and start from scratch. The result is something that is gorgeous to look at and a pleasure to use. Made to use everyday.

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We’re making a big little impact, pushing down to zero CO2 emissions by 2035. Pushing down our footprint and enabling every parent and child to push down theirs too. Ever since we started a stroller revolution over 20 years ago, we’ve created our award- winning products with a sustainable mindset. By pioneering modular designs for our strollers, we’ve always made sure that parts are easy to replace or repair, if needed, giving strollers a much longer life and reducing waste as much as possible. But we’ve had to step it up. We’ve taken our commitment to helping combat climate change to the next level. Through our Push to Zero program, we’ve set ourselves the goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2035. We’ve certainly not taken the easy road, but it’s a goal we’re determined to reach, and we’re already making huge steps on our path to zero. Expanding beyond our strollers, we’re starting to use more sustainable materials across our portfolio. The Bugaboo cup holder is now made from 100% recycled plastic and uses recovered fishing nets. Each Bugaboo changing backpack is made from 100% recycled materials, with the equivalent of 45 recycled PET bottles saved from oceans and landfills in every bag.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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