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Everyone’s “famiglia” at these restaurants. BUCA owns and operates more than 85 Buca di Beppo Italian restaurants in about 25 states. Each themed eatery is an over-the-top recreation of a post-war Italian-American restaurant decked out with a hodgepodge of memorabilia. Geared for larger parties of people and event dining, the menu features Southern Italian-American cuisine served family-style to encourage sharing and conversation. Most locations of the casual-dining chain offer a lunch menu (smaller portions for single diners) in addition to its popular dinner options.

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At Buca di Beppo everyone is part of the famiglia and our food is the star of the show! Our menu of classic Italian food is inspired by the cuisine enjoyed by Italian Americans for generations. Delicious dishes with roots in the villages throughout Italy are served just the way Italian American families enjoy at home – family style! Bring your appetite! Each menu item is meant to be shared around the table and offered à la carte in two sizes: Buca Small to feed three or more, and Buca Large to feed an average sized country! Well, actually five or more. Nothing brings a group closer together than trying a bit of this and a taste of that. The portions are plentiful and just like any successful family dinner, no one ever leaves hungry! We’ve come a long way! Most Buca di Beppo locations now boast multiple dining rooms. Our expansive restaurants can accommodate the entire neighborhood! However, we have preserved the intimate setting with semiPrivate rooms to give you that same family style dining room feeling from the first Buca di Beppo years ago. Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant is one of the most vibrant restaurant companies in the country.

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