Brown Harris Stevens

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Brown Harris Stevens (BHS) is one of the most prominent privately owned real estate firms in the world. Established in 1873, BHS has historically dominated the luxury, high-end market. With more than 2,300 agents across the East Coast, the company oversees the sale of marquee properties worldwide, including property management and new development marketing, from its headquarters in New York City and its offices throughout Connecticut, Hudson Valley, New Jersey, the Hamptons, Palm Beach, and Miami. Learn more at

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ESG/Ethical Impact

Brown Harris Stevens actively promotes environmental responsibility within the real estate sector. They encourage sustainable building practices, energy-efficient home designs, and eco-conscious property management. By advocating green building certifications and responsible resource use, they contribute to reduced energy consumption, minimized waste, and environmentally responsible real estate development. Their commitment extends to fostering diversity and inclusivity within their workforce, ensuring equal opportunities for all employees, and advocating for fair housing practices to ensure equitable access to housing options for individuals and families. This community-centric approach enhances the quality of life in the areas where they operate.

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