Bridgeton Holdings is aPrivate equity real estate investment firm focused on making equity and/or debt investments in urban markets throughout the United States. The firm currently owns and/or manages a portfolio of 60 assets located across the United States.
Bridgeton Holdings
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As the Bridgestone Group looks forward to its 100th anniversary in 2031 as a milestone for its progress, it will continue to provide social and customer value through 2050 and beyond. “Serving Society with Superior Quality,” its Mission within the Bridgestone Essence, remains a crucial foundation in fulfilling the Group’s vision for the future. Our Way to Serve inspires employees of the Bridgestone Group to continue to do great work by doing good for the world. It serves as a compass, organizing the Group’s efforts under the three Priority Areas of Mobility, People and Environment. Along with these Priority Areas, the Group continues to strengthen its governance and compliance and exhibits the behaviors expected of any responsible company through its Management Fundamentals. The Management Fundamentals exemplify the Group’s commitment to leadership in the six major areas of Compliance and Fair Competition, Business Continuity (BCP) and Risk Management, Human Rights and Labor Practices, Safety and Industrial Hygiene, Procurement, and Quality and Customer Value.
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