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Bridgenext brings Emtec, Emtec Digital, Wave6, and DEFINITION 6 together into one unified company focused on empowering clients to achieve digital realization by moving past the hype of digital transformation to a future where they can achieve tangible outcomes from their tech investments. The Bridgenext team facilitates highly strategic digital initiatives through digital product engineering, automation, data engineering, and infrastructure modernization services while elevating brands through digital experience, creative content, and customer data analytics services.

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Don’t just work, thrive. At Bridgenext, you have an opportunity to make a real difference – driving tangible business value for clients, while simultaneously propelling your own career growth. Our flexible and inclusive work culture provides you with the autonomy, resources, and opportunities to succeed. Mission: Bridgenext helps clients innovate with intention and realize their digital aspirations by creating digital products, experiences, and solutions around what real people need.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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Newsweek Excellence 1000

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