Braemar Hotels & Resorts is a conservatively capitalized REIT that invests primarily in high RevPAR, full-service luxury hotels and resorts. We are listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol BHR and are externally-advised by Ashford (NYSE MKT: AINC). Our strategy is to invest primarily in full-service luxury hotels and resorts which are anticipated to generate RevPAR of at least twice the current U.S. average RevPAR for all hotels as determined by Smith Travel Research. We will seek to acquire both premium branded and independent hotels.
Braemar Hotels & Resorts
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The significance of climate change and the need to transition to net-zero emissions has become increasingly important within the shipping industry. Our ESG initiatives are aimed toward reducing environmental impact, protecting fragile ecosystems and creating a more diverse, representative workforce. We are the only shipping services company to publicly align our ESG framework with four of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These goals were selected by our Directors and employees as the most relevant to our company and operations. We incorporate climate-smart expertise into our client services. We will collaborate with the maritime industry to achieve shared ESG goals. Braemar’s Carbon Offset platform was launched in April 2022. We are one of the first shipping services companies to offer a service that enables clients to offset their chartering activities online through globally accredited projects. We used our Carbon Offset platform to purchase carbon credits that offset 3,500 tonnes of carbon dioxide, approximately the same amount of Braemar’s entire Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions for the last five years. We encourage our employees to ‘go electric’ through The Octopus Electric Dreams Car Scheme, which allows them to lease a brand new, fully insured electric car.
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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