Brady Corporation

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Brady Corporation is an international manufacturer and marketer of complete solutions that identify and protect people, products and places. Brady’s products help customers increase safety, security, productivity and performance and include high-performance labels, signs, safety devices, printing systems and software. Founded in 1914, the Company has a diverse customer base in electronics, telecommunications, manufacturing, electrical, construction, medical, aerospace and a variety of other industries. Brady is headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and as of July 31, 2021, employed approximately 5,700 people in its worldwide businesses. Brady’s fiscal 2021 sales were approximately $1.14 billion. Brady stock trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol BRC. More information is available on the Internet at

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ESG/Ethical Impact

Brady’s ESG philosophy is grounded in delivering high performance products and services while reducing our environmental impact, being dedicated to our employees and communities and ensuring business is done in a sound manner. This philosophy is made up of three core tenets that outline our commitment to incorporating ESG considerations throughout our business. These tenets recognize the importance of managing risk as well as identifying opportunities to deliver value through taking a proactive approach to ESG management. They provide the foundation to deliver commitment to ESG and are integral to who we are, how we act, and how we manage our environmental footprint. Brady is dedicated to building a more equitable, diverse and inclusive community, and strives to respect the cultures, customs and values of all individuals and groups. Brady recognizes that we have the responsibility to promote and protect human rights. We pride ourselves on preserving and protecting people’s health, safety, and well being. We are focused on reducing the environmental impact on the planet and within communities. By operating sustainably, pursuing efficiencies, and reducing our use of natural resources, we can reduce our environmental footprint. Brady is committed to conducting business ethically and in a socially responsible manner. At Brady, we maintain the highest standards of integrity, comply with the law, and meet the needs of external stakeholders.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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