Boscov’s Department Stores

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Outlet mall capital Reading, Pennsylvania, has conceived more than bargain shopping. It’s given us Boscov’s Department Store, which operates 47 stores in PA, NJ, NY, DE, MD, CT and Ohio. The stores sell men’s, women’s, and children’s apparel, shoes, and accessories, as well as jewelry, cosmetics, housewares, furniture, and sporting goods. Founded by Solomon Boscov in 1911, Boscov’s Department Store is owned by an investor group led by chairman and CEO Jim Boscov.

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Department, Clothing & Shoe Stores

ESG/Ethical Impact

Boscov’s prioritizes diversity and inclusion, cultivating a workplace culture that values differences, ensures equitable opportunities for all, and maintains a workforce that mirrors the diversity of the communities it serves. Community engagement and philanthropy are fundamental aspects of its social responsibility, with ongoing efforts to uplift local communities through strategic partnerships, volunteerism, and substantial financial support. Ethical governance forms the bedrock of its ESG impact, with the company maintaining stringent corporate governance structures, financial transparency, and adherence to rigorous compliance standards, ensuring the highest levels of ethical conduct. Boscov’s is also a leader in fair labor practices, championing safe and ethical working conditions within its operations and supply chain, in alignment with internationally recognized labor standards. Furthermore, the company invests actively in innovation and technology, driving efficiency improvements, reducing its environmental footprint, and enhancing the overall customer experience. Sustainable product offerings are integral to its ESG commitment, with Boscov’s continually expanding its range of eco-friendly and sustainable products, thus promoting responsible consumption. Supplier responsibility is paramount, with the company ensuring that its suppliers adhere to high ethical and environmental standards, thereby advancing responsible sourcing and supply chain transparency. Data security and privacy are upheld with utmost diligence, with the company implementing stringent cybersecurity measures and privacy policies to safeguard customer and employee information. Finally, community investment is central to Boscov’s mission, with strategic investments in the communities it serves, contributing to economic development, education, and social welfare programs, thus aligning its success with the well-being of its surrounding communities.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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