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Boloco is a Boston-based family of 20 restaurants and over 350 team members that serves globally inspired burritos, bowls, salads, smoothies and shakes with locations in MA, VT, NH, and RI. Co-founders Adam Liebman, Gregg Harris, Jason Hutchinson and John Pepper opened the first location in 1997 at the Berklee College of Music in Boston. While Boloco quickly became known for its unique variety of delicious and globally inspired burritos, bowls, smoothies and shakes, its mantra “even a burrito aspires” over time guided the teams to cultivate a nationally-recognized, award-winning consumer brand. Boloco’s appealingly off-center and honest brand personality, its maniacal commitment to amazing its guests, its innovative use of technology to enhance visitor experiences and its early leadership in environmental improvement efforts have all contributed to its reputation.

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Restaurants & Food Service


Restaurants & Cafes

ESG/Ethical Impact

Boloco has implemented a comprehensive waste reduction program, minimizing food waste through portion control and donating surplus food to local charities, thereby reducing waste sent to landfills. The company has invested in energy-efficient appliances, lighting, and HVAC systems in their restaurants, resulting in substantial energy savings and a reduced carbon footprint.

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