We specialize in Civil Engineering, Surveying, Spatial Data, and Cadd Technologies and IT Support and Web Design. Bohannan Huston, Inc. (BHI) is an award-winning, nationally recognized firm specializing in Engineering, Spatial Data, and Advanced Technologies. Founded in New Mexico in 1959, we are located in Albuquerque with branch offices in Denver and Las Cruces. BHI provides world-class civil and structural engineering, traffic and transportation engineering, water resources, land surveying, GIS, photogrammetry, and advanced technology services that transforms our customer’s vision from concept to reality. Our technical expertise enables clients to visualize projects, optimize resources, and realize exceptional solutions. We have the foundation upon which complex projects are constructed. Our depth of staff resources enables us to provide an expedited development process and fast-track schedules for our customers.
Bohannan Huston, Inc.
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Bohannan Huston, Inc. likely focuses on reducing its environmental footprint by implementing sustainable practices. This may include efforts to decrease energy consumption, minimize waste, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the use of renewable energy sources and energy-efficient technologies. BHI may actively work on resource conservation, including water and raw materials, by implementing strategies such as water recycling, responsible sourcing, and efficient use of materials in their projects. The company may be involved in initiatives to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as designing resilient infrastructure, supporting reforestation projects, and adopting sustainable transportation solutions. BHI could have various programs in place to support the communities in which they operate. This may include contributions to local charities, educational initiatives, and partnerships with local organizations to address social issues. Ensuring safety is likely a key component of BHI’s ESG approach, with strict safety standards in place to protect both employees and the communities affected by their projects.
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