Bob’s Burgers & Brew

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Bob’s Burgers & Brew became a second generation family business when Bob’s children joined the business and helped open several new restaurants. With the dawn of the new century, Bob’s started a new chapter with the opening of the first franchised restaurants. Together they have continued to add new restaurants to the Bob’s family, both family owned and franchised. The company continues to be led by Bob with his commitment to quality, value and passion for excellence. He delights in the opening of new restaurants and taking an active role in many different areas. He continues to inspire by advocating hard work, emphasizing education and giving support in pursuing dreams. . . just as he has done!

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Restaurants & Food Service


Restaurants & Cafes

ESG/Ethical Impact

Bob’s Burgers & Brew’s commitment to ESG sustainability encompasses a wide range of areas, including environmental conservation, social responsibility, and ethical governance. The brand strives to provide quality food while minimizing its impact on the planet and actively contributing to the well-being of its communities. Bob’s actively manages food waste, minimizing excess production and redirecting surplus food to charitable organizations. The company maintains transparency in its supply chain, ensuring that ingredients meet high ethical and environmental standards. While known for its burgers, Bob’s offers menu choices that cater to healthier eating habits, promoting public health.

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