Blue & Co., LLC

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Blue & Co., LLC is ranked as a top-60 CPA firm by INSIDE Public Accounting and Accounting Today. We’ve grown from a startup in 1970, to today having 11 offices across three states (IN, KY, and OH). We have the honor of being named “Best Places to Work” in Indiana and Kentucky and “Best Employer” in Ohio for several consecutive years! At Blue & Co. we work side-by-side with our clients on issues as diverse as auditing, business planning, financial controls, mergers and acquisitions, employee benefits and litigation support.

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Accounting & Tax

ESG/Ethical Impact

We became accountants and consultants to help others — to make an impact in their organizations and their lives. This driving force is also the reason we’re so involved in our communities. Blue & Co. employees support more than 100 nonprofit/cause-related organizations in our markets. This commitment ranges anywhere from fundraising and volunteering to serving on boards and committees. At Blue & Co., we all have something in common. We didn’t get into this field because we love numbers and spreadsheets — although we definitely do — we got into this field because we love helping others. We’re driven by the impact that our work can have on our teammates, our clients, and our community. We know that what we do is about more than simply helping ensure the success and profitability of your organization. It’s also about finding ways to help you achieve personal, financial, and life goals.

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