Black Knight

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Black Knight, Inc. (NYSE:BKI) is an award-winning software, data and analytics company that drives innovation in the mortgage lending and servicing and real estate industries, as well as the capital and secondary markets. Businesses leverage our robust, integrated solutions across the entire homeownership life cycle to help retain existing customers, gain new customers, mitigate risk and operate more effectively.

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IT Services and IT Consulting

ESG/Ethical Impact

During 2022, Black Knight continued to propel its business forward by executing against our strategic initiatives to deliver growth over the long- term, while completing several important “firsts” in support of corporate sustainability. The company conducted our first formal materiality assessment to identify, understand and prioritize the relative importance of specific environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics to our key stakeholders as we move forward with our sustainability programs and initiatives. These stakeholders were asked to complete an online survey and rank 16 ESG topics in order of importance for Black Knight. The three most important areas of focus for our stakeholders were business ethics and integrity; business continuity and resiliency; and cybersecurity, data privacy and physical security – which aligns with our company’s most significant areas of focus. As we evolve our understanding of climate impact to Black Knight and our impact on the climate, we completed our first Task Force for Climate Related Financial Disclosures-aligned climate risk assessment in 2022. This allowed us to better understand the risks and opportunities associated with both physical and transition risk across varying scenarios, and to account for these in our overall business strategy. At Black Knight, we promote a business culture that is representative of the unique values, opinions, cultures, abilities and needs of our employees, customers and communities. In June 2022, Black Knight held its first Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) fair. Hosted by the company’s internal diversity and inclusion alliance group, the three-day event highlighted and celebrated our differences, and initiated discussions about the importance of fostering an employee culture that embraces diversity and inclusion. As a technology company, Black Knight relies on a wide network of suppliers to support our operations and ESG management. To better monitor our supply chain, Black Knight implemented a risk-analysis supplier intelligence tool that helps us evaluate the ESG efforts of our third-party vendors. This tool assists with the early identification of potential ESG risks, as well as opportunities for collaboration and training as our ESG program evolves. This allows our suppliers to better align with our business requirements, as well as our standards for DEI, human rights, data security and more. Black Knight is proud to have accomplished these “firsts” during 2022, and we are focused on continuing to evolve our sustainability efforts. We understand how critical it is to innovate for a sustainable society, while protecting human rights and the health of our planet. We believe operating with these initiatives as a goal is not only the right path for the success of Black Knight, our employee family and our clients, but the most effective way we can add value to our communities.

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