Black Bear Diner

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Our story in the words of our Founders Bob Manley and Bruce Dean: Way back when, we were just a couple of hungry guys with a big dream. We knew folks were looking for a restaurant rooted in something authentic… something real. And while there wasn’t much cash in our pockets, we had enough heart to cobble together our very first restaurant. So, we set to preparing home-cooked meals that reflected our small-town roots. We were used to a different kind of diner, where servers look you in the eye and smile when they take your order. Where the food tastes a lot like your grandma’s favorite recipes. And where you feel, every time you visit, like you’ve finally come home. Nearly 20 years later, we’re still serving up the same genuine experience. Because at Black Bear Diner, we believe that timeless values like quality and personal service are still very much alive. So, stop on by and bring your appetite. We’ll set an extra plate.

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Restaurants & Cafes

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Our diner mission is to welcome every guest with open arms, to serve up joy, belonging, and love with every meal, and to treat employees like family. Our giving mission is to support philanthropic efforts—as a company on a national level and within our local communities through sponsorship’s and fundraising events.

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