Big Rivers Electric Corporation is a member-owned, not-for-profit, generation and transmission cooperative (G&T) headquartered in Henderson, Kentucky. We provide wholesale electric power and services to three distribution cooperative members across 22 counties in western Kentucky. The member cooperatives are Jackson Purchase Energy Corporation, headquartered in Paducah; Kenergy Corp., headquartered in Henderson; and Meade County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation, headquartered in Brandenburg. Together, they distribute retail electric power and provide other services to more than 116,000 homes, farms, businesses and industries. Incorporated in June of 1961, the mission of Big Rivers is to safely deliver low cost, reliable wholesale power and cost-effective shared services desired by the members. Business operations revolve around seven core values: safety, integrity, excellence, member and community service, respect for the employee, teamwork, and environmental consciousness.
Big Rivers Electric Corporation
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Big Rivers Electric Corporation is empowered by a mission to safely deliver reliable and affordable power and devoted to best serving our three Member- Owners—Jackson Purchase Energy Corporation, Kenergy Corp, and Meade County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation. While much has changed for our cooperative system and region during the past sixty years, our foundational principles of safety, sound financials, and community concern remain constant. Recent years have driven Big Rivers to adapt quickly to shifting environments and technology developments, and we can confidently report that 2022 was a year of significant progress. We are boldly establishing Big Rivers as a cooperative ready to seize growth opportunities for western Kentucky and successfully face the challenges of future decades. Safety has long been the leading principle for Big Rivers, marked by decades of employee-led safety initiatives and company recognition. The core of the safety program focuses on an individual’s role in personal safety and the safety of coworkers, combined with the need for every person to return home safely after every shift. The energy field can often include dangerous environments, and the Big Rivers safety team and employees work tirelessly to minimize the risks. In June 2022, that ever-present risk of injury or death became a reality. We were devastated by the loss of two people, a Big Rivers employee and an on-site contractor, in an accident at Sebree Station. As the leaders of Big Rivers, fatalities and serious injuries are situations you hope never to experience, and our prayers and concerns remain with the families of the two men. In the months following the accident, we recognized that grief and uncertainty could lead to a higher risk for future safety incidents. To encourage employees during a difficult time, leadership put even greater emphasis on the need to take additional moments to evaluate situations for safety. By the end of 2022, Big Rivers hit several safety milestones at different locations and as a company, including an industry-leading 12 years without a lost-time incident for Transmission employees. We are proud of our employees for taking personal ownership of safety values and dedicating additional attention to workplace safety after the accident. The company continued to receive recognition for safety efforts, earning its 57th Governor and Safety Award and seventh consecutive Kentucky Employers’ Mutual Insurance (KEMI) Destiny Award in 2022.
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