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Japanese-born Rocky H. Aoki founded Benihana in 1964, with the opening of it first restaurant in Manhattan’s Upper West Side at 61 West 56th St. This restaurant soon became famous with its theatrical chefs and traditional Japanese architecture and structural engineering. Benihana is successful because of the close relationships developed over the years with our guests, investors, and employees. The Benihana concept began as a family business on the streets of New York in 1964 and has grown to every corner of the world by adopting and living by a strong code of conduct and ethics. In late 1999, Benihana purchased a majority share in Haru, an upscale, New York sushi concept, that had already proven itself at four locations. In 2002, Benihana acquired RA Sushi restaurants. The experience is subtly sexy and energetic with a hip ambiance and a young, playful staff. Today, there are 20 locations spanning from CA to FL.

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From our beginnings as a family business with one Benihana restaurant in New York to our recognition today as a cultural icon with 79 Benihana restaurants in the United States, Caribbean, and Central and South America, our success continues to be a result of our relationships with our guests, investors and employees. Benihana Inc. ’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, adopted in 2010, is more than a document – it is the foundation for the way we conduct ourselves and do business throughout the states. It calls for the highest standards of ethical behavior from our executives, directors, and employees (“Employees and Directors”) and covers a variety of critical issues.

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