BBG Inc.

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BBG is the leading, independent valuation and environmental and property condition assessment services firm in the United States. Since our sole focus is due diligence, you can rely on BBG for an objective assessment of the value, condition, use, and feasibility of real estate assets in their market. And, our experienced team will go the extra mile to ensure a prompt response and practical viewpoint. With more than 45 offices, our team’s national reach means clients benefit from deep local knowledge across diverse property types in all major U.S. markets. Providing commercial valuation and assessment services requires more than market knowledge and technical expertise; it requires a deep understanding of real-estate finance, from acquisition to disposition. This knowledge helps us serve a diverse client base that includes real-estate professionals including investors, lenders, mortgage brokers, attorneys, accountants and service providers.

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BBG helps clients improve the energy efficiency and sustainability of their real estate portfolios. BBG performs energy audits, or energy assessments, for commercial businesses across the country. The purpose of the energy audit is to provide sufficient information to allow property owners and operators to make informed decisions regarding budgeting for capital improvements and implementing energy efficiency measures, green branding and achieving sustainability goals.

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