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BASF Corporation, headquartered in Florham Park, New Jersey, is the North American affiliate of BASF SE, Ludwigshafen, Germany. BASF has approximately 16,700 employees in North America and had sales of $25.9 billion in 2021. As one of the largest chemical companies in NA we have been finding solutions for your everyday needs and addressing the most complex economic, environmental, and sustainability challenges for more than 150 years! We create chemistry for a sustainable future and we are already looking for the answers to tomorrow’s questions, today. Our portfolio comprises six segments in which we develop innovative solutions together with our clients: Chemicals, Materials, Industrial Solutions, Surface Technologies, Nutrition & Care and Agricultural Solutions. This translates into the everyday products you interact with, such as the absorbents of your babies’ diapers, the coating on your car, the pigments of your makeup, the ingredients of your favorite snacks, the super comfy soles of your sneakers, and much more. At BASF we empower our employees with the tools, guidance and opportunities they need to advance and succeed in work and life. Giving you the support you need to be your best and fulfill your personal ambitions is what helps us create chemistry. After all, our success is linked to yours. Whatever path you envision, BASF is a great place to build a rewarding, successful career.

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Farming Ranching & Forestry


Chemical Manufacturing

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We want to contribute to a world that provides a viable future with enhanced quality of life for everyone. We do so by creating chemistry for our customers and by making the best use of available resources. To optimize our contribution to a sustainable future, we measure the overall impact of economic, environmental and social aspects of our business activities with our Value to Society methodology. We support the United Nations in the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and we are committed to the Paris Climate Agreement. Climate change is the biggest challenge of our time, we thus aim to achieve net zero CO 2 emissions by 2050. To achieve this, we become more efficient in our production and energy usage, we will increase our use of renewable energies and we will accelerate the development and deployment of new CO2-free processes for the production of chemicals. We create value for our customers with solutions that contribute to sustainability in the value chain. With our Circular Economy program, we aim to decouple growth from resource consumption. Circular solutions reduce waste, save fossil resources and help reduce CO2 emissions. We assume responsibility in the supply chain and in our operations. We work together with our suppliers to assess and improve their sustainability performance and we involve our suppliers in our Supplier CO2 Management Program. In our operations, we use resources efficiently based on our integrated production network – our Verbund. We act responsibly and protect the environment by reducing emissions and waste. We support the protection of functioning ecosystems like forests and oceans, for example with our engagement in the Alliance to End Plastic Waste. We are introducing sustainable water management at our production sites in water stress areas and at our Verbund sites. Respecting Human Rights in our own operations and business relationships is the foundation of our social responsibility. We ensure a safe work environment. We embrace diversity, foster an inclusive workplace and encourage real engagement among all our employees.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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