Baring Asset Management

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Baring Asset Management is an international investment management firm with offices, clients and business lines spanning the world’s major markets. We provide investment management services in emerging and inefficient markets, asset allocation and specialist fixed income to investors worldwide, and have £39.4 billion of assets under management*. 2012 marked the 250th anniversary of the establishment of Barings. Since the earliest days in 1762. By combining insights that cut across location, sector and asset classes, Barings offers a unique world-view into today’s economies and markets. Our investment professionals combine an informed perspective with local knowledge and presence to seek out investment opportunities with the potential to perform well and deliver the returns investors demand.

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Financial Services


Investment & Asset Management

ESG/Ethical Impact

We have a strong, longstanding commitment to furthering the sustainability of our investments and our business. Our resolve to help clients understand the bigger picture behind their investment decisions has taken on new prominence over the past two years, as global events highlighted the need to address several broad issues around equity and climate change within the asset management industry. Global change requires strong leadership and governance, and Barings is proud to have made firm commitments at all levels of our business to achieve positive environmental, social and governance (ESG) outcomes for our clients and communities. Our commitment to our people is reflected in our investments in attracting and retaining a diverse workforce. Our commitment to our communities is evidenced through our Barings Social Impact philanthropic partnerships. Our commitment to reducing our environmental impact can be seen in the important changes we’re making at the corporate and asset level. As we progress to the next step in our sustainability journey, I’m excited to see where our team-wide commitment will take us, as we look to ensure all our stakeholders play their part in securing a more sustainable future.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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