Banana Republic

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As a global specialty retailer, Banana Republic is focused on delivering versatile, contemporary classics. Our customers seek to make the most of every moment. How we do it is just as important as what we do. We value people who are confident, optimistic and curious, because we believe in unleashing creativity and greatness every day. Mission: The people that make up Banana Republic share the same qualities as our brand: curious, connected, undaunted by boundaries. Join us for the adventure of what’s next.

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Retail & Wholesale


Clothing & Shoe Stores, Department

ESG/Ethical Impact

As a global company that reaches millions of people around the world, Gap Inc. drives change by working with our partners to createa more sustainable business and equitable industry. Our customers demand – and our purpose-driven brands deliver – products that leave a lighter impact on our planet while uplifting our communities. Global sustainability challenges – from climate change and resource scarcity to racism and sexism – are complex and interconnected. That’s why we see sustainability through an inclusion lens. Gap Inc. has long valued the importance of creating net-positive impacts by integrating sustainability, inclusion, and ethical governance deeper into our business strategy. This approach has helped support the broader business strategy through changes that optimize profitability and reduce operating costs. For example, by driving lighting, renewable, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) energy-efficiency initiatives and package-reduction innovations, Gap Inc. has saved tens of millions of dollars while decreasing operational emissions and waste since 2020.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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