Flower power still reigns at Ball Horticultural. One of the nation’s largest sellers of commercial seed for flowers and ornamental crops, Ball Horticultural develops, produces, and distributes seeds, young plants, and cuttings to professional growers, landscapers, wholesalers, and retailers. It operates in more than 20 countries through subsidiaries and joint ventures, including PanAmerican Seed and Ball Seed. The firm sells through its own sales force and online. It also publishes FloraCulture International, Green Profit, and “GrowerTalks” magazines. Founded in 1905 by George Ball, Ball Horticultural remains family owned. The Ball clan also owns W. Atlee Burpee, a major seed seller to home gardeners.
Ball Horticultural
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Floral NurseryESG/Ethical Impact
Since we published our first biennial sustainability report in 2008, Ball Corporation has reported environmental data in absolute and normalized terms. Absolute data provides an overview on the overall environmental impacts, while normalized data enables comparability of data over time. In our different businesses, we produce a variety of products ranging from beverage cans to satellites. Within each business, we use a normalization factor that adequately represents the nature of the business and the way it operates. This allows for meaningful comparisons over time and for effective benchmarking of our manufacturing plants. We strive to be as transparent as possible and will continue to report absolute and normalized data. We normalize metrics to align with business decision-making and to allow clearer communication of performance to stakeholders, enabling them to evaluate our performance in meaningful ways. This approach also aligns well with our Drive for 10 vision by providing flexibility for future business changes, as we expand into new products and capabilities. A common practice in sustainability reporting is the normalization per revenues or sales. While this normalization makes sense for our aerospace business, it can be misleading for our packaging businesses and Ball Corporation as a whole. For example, metals are among the top three cost components at Ball. They are subject to fluctuations in price and availability attributable to a number of factors, including general economic conditions, commodity price fluctuations, and the demand by other industries. Thus, metal prices can significantly influence our revenues and as a consequence the normalized sustainability performance in either direction.
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