Baja Fresh

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Baja Fresh Mexican Grill is an operationally driven company that believes it’s all about being the defining standard in everything we do. We pride ourselves on serving the most flavorful, FRESH Mexican Food. Baja Fresh is a place full of hard work, challenges, opportunity and development. We live our Mission everyday and our 7 Values define who we are. At Baja Fresh® we believe eating well is a way of life and a state of mind. We always choose the handmade, not the processed. The farm-fresh, not the tin-canned. Flavor and nutrition over fillers and fads. Try Baja Fresh® today and discover the difference that fresh food can make.

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We stand out because of the extreme measure we take to help ensure freshness and don’t have can openers, microwaves or freezers in our restaurants. At Baja Fresh franchise restaurants, flavor and nutrition are always selected over fillers and fads. Dedicated customers find that eating well is a way of life and a state of mind. We believe in real food made with passion, for real people. Food prepared by hand from real recipes and real farm-fresh ingredients, not pre-packaged. Life should be full of variety, zest, and positive energy, energized by good health and good nutrition. It’s this philosophy that sets us apart from our competition time and time again.

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