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Azets delivers accounting, tax, audit, business and advisory services in the uk and the nordics – digitally and at your door. SWith over 6,500 people across our office network, we help companies and organisations of all shapes and sizes, public sector enterprises and high net- worth private clients achieve their personal and business ambitions. Whether you’re a start-up or a blue-chip, we save you precious time – so you can focus on what you do best

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Accounting Services


Accounting & Tax

ESG/Ethical Impact

Azets’ first sustainability report covers the environmental, social, quality and risk management impacts of Azets’ operations in Finland between years 2018 and 2020. This report covers the economic impacts in Finland for the financial years 2018–2020, as the financial year 2021 had not yet ended by the time of the report’s publication. Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, some of the figures for 2020 are not comparable with the figures of the previous years. Environmental, social and quality-related impacts are discussed in this report on a calendar year basis, while the economic impacts are based on the financial period. Azets’ vision is to make our services smarter, more effective and more personal. We help our clients focus on their business and achieve their objectives by providing accounting, payroll, HR and advisory services as well as related technology solutions. Sustainability is part of our day-to-day work and management, underpinned by Azets’ values: Collaborative, Authentic, Respectful and Dynamic. Our sustainability efforts are also guided by Azets’ general sustainability principles and the group’s Code of Conduct. Our sustainability principles consider the UN’s guiding principles concerning business, human rights and sustainable development. Azets’ Corporate responsibility is based on four principles, which are based on the basic principles of corporate responsibility: economic, social and environmental responsibility. The services Azets provides for its clients are guided largely by legislation, regulation and government requirements pertaining to data protection and information security. With this in mind, we have highlighted responsibility for quality and risk management as our fourth principle of corporate responsibility

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