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AVANGRID, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) is a diversified energy and utility company with more than $30 billion in assets and operations in 24 states. The company operates regulated utilities and electricity generation through two primary lines of business. Avangrid Networks includes eight electric and natural gas utilities, serving 3.1 million customers in New York and New England. Avangrid Renewables operates 6.3 gigawatts of electricity capacity, primarily through wind power, in states across the United States. AVANGRID employs over 6,000 people. The company was formed by a merger between Iberdrola USA and UIL Holdings Corporation in 2015. IBERDROLA S.A. (Madrid: IBE), a worldwide leader in the energy industry, owns 81.5% of AVANGRID.

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AVANGRID’s vision is to be a leader in the energy sector, providing reliable service for our customers with a commitment to the wellbeing of our communities. Through innovation and technology we seek to provide clean energy through sustainable sources and are committed to reducing our corporate carbon footprint. AVANGRID holds safety, ethical practices, and good corporate governance in the highest regard.

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