Aura Minerals

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Aura Minerals digs deep to make a profit. The company owns operating projects in Mexico and Brazil and also has projects in various stages of exploration and development. Aura Minerals mines for copper, gold, and iron ore in Brazil at its Arapiraca project, which it acquired in 2007. Its Aranzazu property is a copper/silver/gold operation in Mexico. The company also operates several early-stage gold and base metal exploration projects in Brazil, including the North Carajas Belt Project (copper/nickel/diamond) and the Inajá Greenstone Belt Project (gold/nickel).

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Gas & Mining, Oil


Mining & Metals

ESG/Ethical Impact

We adhered to the Action Plan for the Ad- vancement of Women in Brazilian Mining, developed by Women in Mining (WiM) in all locations where we operate; an initiative that aims at increasing the participation of women in the Brazilian mining sec- tor, promoting inclusive and respectful workplaces at all organizational levels and encouraging investments in women from communities near our operations. Besides, Sofía Aguillar, our general manager of Community Relations, Institutional and Legal for our Honduras operations, was invited to join the entity’s executive board in Central America. We also disclosed our commitment to have at least 40% of women partici- pating in the recruitment and selection processes for administrative positions, in addition to working on education fronts on topics related to gender diversity, among others. We continued expanding social work in the areas where we operate through the donation of food, medicines, medi- cal supplies and we invested US$ 675 thousand in several social initiatives for the communities.

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