Arrow Electronics

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With a global network of suppliers, engineers and manufacturers, Arrow is the shortest distance between what’s possible and what’s practical. We’re helping customers shape the tangible future and build the technology to get us there. From smart cities to satellites, we play a central role in progress that improves the quality of life and makes the benefits of technology more accessible. We are a Fortune 102 company with 2021 sales of $34.48 billion. Our team includes 20,700 employees worldwide across more than 288 locations. We help the world’s best technology companies think “Five Years Out,” working together to innovate the next big thing after the next big thing.

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Electronics Manufacturing

ESG/Ethical Impact

At Arrow, making life better with technology is good for business and our global community. Applying the power of technology and innovation to address the world’s economic, social, and environmental challenges continues to drive enhancements to our product suite, expansions to our customer and supplier roster, and increased value for our shareholders. While our approach to environmental sustainability focuses on the operation of our business, our impact is much broader. We are continuing our journey to better identify and address climate-related risks and opportunities in all that we do.

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