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Find answers to many of your shipping and logistics questions in the Shipping Resource Center. ArcBest® (Nasdaq: ARCB) helps keep the global supply chain moving. We leverage our full suite of shipping and logistics solutions to meet the critical needs of our customers each and every day, without fail. ArcBest is a multibillion-dollar integrated logistics company that leverages our full suite of shipping and logistics solutions to meet the critical needs of our customers and keep the global supply chain moving. We’re fueled by the simple notion of finding a way to get the job done, no matter what. We started in 1923 as a local Arkansas freight hauler, and today, through organic growth, smart strategic acquisitions, visionary leadership and a mindset focused on the future, ArcBest is a publicly traded, nearly $4 billion logistics powerhouse with 14,000 employees across more than 250 campuses and service centers. We serve as a trusted advisor to some of the world’s biggest and most recognizable brands, creating smart logistics solutions that make it easy to do business. We see the world through our customers’ eyes, and through the power of our integrated solutions, help them respond to even the most rigorous market demands. The insights needed to do this are driven by our innovative spirit and championed by experts across our business who understand the importance of being agile.

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Shipping & Logistics

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ArcBest is a leader in the industry and a pillar in the communities where we live, work and do business. As we celebrate 100 years of helping to keep the global supply chain moving, we recognize that this century of success was achieved through the hard work of our people and being intentional in everything we do. Our mission to connect and positively impact the world through solving logistics challenges guides us in taking meaningful actions to advance environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) initiatives. Last year, we disclosed our Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions and made progress measuring our Scope 3 GHG emissions. Our direct Scope 1 emissions intensity rate in 2021 was 1,544 grams per mile and in 2022 was 1,540 grams per mile — an approximately 0.25% reduction in Scope 1 emissions in our operations. We also collaborated with a global architecture and engineering consultant to complete a methodology review of our emissions data and benchmark our progress against leading ESG standards and certain relevant voluntary frameworks. Additionally, we continued investing in our less-than-truckload (LTL) carrier ABF Freight® fleet. As a result, we operate one of the newest fleets on the road, helping reduce our emissions while providing a safer and more comfortable experience for our drivers. We have a long history of innovation at ArcBest, and as you’ll see in our ESG Roadmap, technology and innovation are at the center of our progress.

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