Apex Tool Group

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We are a $1.6 billion manufacturer and worldwide designer of industrial hand and power tools, tool storage, drill chucks, chain, and electronic soldering products. ATG and our 8500 associates have built a legacy of powerhouse brands, trusted to get the job done. Our brands include Crescent®, GearWrench®, Armstrong®, Weller®, SATA®, Lufkin® and Wiss® as well as several keyPrivate label products for major global retailers. Today our tools and products support a wide variety of global industries, including automotive, aerospace, electronics, energy, hardware, industrial, and consumer retail. ATG associates, in 30 locations around the world, are dedicated to providing our customers with high performing, innovative products, timely delivery, and customer service that is second to none. We pride ourselves on continuous improvement, and use lean and efficiency tools to guide our company-wide improvement initiatives.

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Machinery Manufacturing

ESG/Ethical Impact

At Apex Tool Group, we strive to treat all of our business partners fairly and with respect, including customers, suppliers and associates. We invest significant resources in business ethics training for associates and continuously work to implement new programs that stress the importance of our standards. For example, we introduced a gift giving and receiving policy to ensure there is no improper influence on how we make business decisions. Our goal is to give our associates clear guidance that allows them to use their best judgment in everything they do. ATG embraces a holistic approach to integrating sustainability across our global operations. While each of our sites around the world are empowered to manage their own local sustainability program, our multi-year goals are to: Reduce our carbon footprint by 25% over 10 years. Implement recycling programs at all of our facilities around the world. Increase engagements and investments within the communities we serve through volunteerism and CSR investments. We value sustainability in all facets of our business.

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