Apache Corporation

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Since our founding in 1954, Apache has grown to become one of the world’s top independent oil and gas exploration and production companies. With operations in the United States, Egypt and the United Kingdom, Apache operates with a team unified by our values, our commitment to building shareholder value and our culture, which empowers every employee to make decisions and achieve the company’s goals. Our global team is brought together by a sense of ownership and the knowledge that best answers win. Apache is building for the future with a commitment to delivering long-term, returns-focused growth. Our continued focus on financial discipline, rigorous portfolio management and relentless performance optimization has advanced our strategy and positioned Apache for success today and in the future.

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Oil, Gas and Mining


Energy & Utilities

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Our purpose at Apache is to responsibly produce energy that elevates the lives of people across the world. We are committed to the health and safety of our coworkers, minimizing our environmental impacts, and supporting our communities. As we work to meet global energy needs, we look forward to continuously developing innovative and more sustainable ways to operate while delivering value to all our stakeholders. To be the premier exploration and production company, contributing to global progress by helping meet the world’s energy needs. To grow in an innovative, safe, environmentally responsible and profitable manner for the long-term benefit of our stakeholders.Our response at Apache has been driven by our commitment to protecting the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees, contractors and communities while ensuring business continuity. Our teams have worked tirelessly to ensure our assets and equipment are functioning properly, our personnel remain connected, risks are identified and minimized, and the business keeps running effectively. I am tremendously proud of our team. They have demonstrated resiliency, talent, determination and a true commitment to our core values as we have all adjusted to new ways of getting the job done.

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